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Privacy policy

Please, scroll down and read all of the following terms and conditions to be able continue.

Data Protection Policy

Purpose The registration of data subjects for the provision of services.
Establish and maintain business relationships.
Legal basis Consent of the data subject.
Legitimate interest for the development and maintenance of commercial relations.
Recipients - Data processors located in Morocco or outside Morocco with adequate safeguards.
- Other targets, as mandated by law.
Rights Rights to the access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition and portability.
Additional information Refer to the Privacy Policy in our Website +INFORMATION.
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    At Global Exchange we specialize in currency exchange services:

    •   400 branches in 23 countries
    •   More than 2,500 employees
    •   More than 12 million Customers a year
    •   More than 22,000 transactions a day
    •   Rendering services 24/7